Selasa, 16 November 2010

30 Reasons Why I Love You

A list of 30 reasons why i love you :

1. You're my best friend
2. You always say what i need to hear
3. The way you always try to help others
4. You know how to bring a smile to my face
5. You always tell and show me how much you love me
6. Your patience
7. You take the pain away with your love
8. I can be myself when i'm with you
9. Your tenderness
10. The way you say 'i love you'
11. Your crazy-ex-girlfriend makes me happy to have you
12. I'm weird, but you still love me
13. You listen to me talk for hours
14. The way you get my attention
15. How you forgive me when i do wrong
16. You always know what to say when i get mad at you
17. Your voice sounds on the phone when you miss me
18. The way you hold me really tight
19. You can make me laugh in my exhausting and difficult life
20. You can tell when something's wrong with me
21. You can tell me what is right when i'm wrong
22. Because loving you was my favorite mistake
23. You always make me stronger
24. You always know how to treat me
25. How you answer any question i ask
26. I'm older than you :p
27. Your sweet words
28. You are so cute when you are jealous
29. You are the best thing that's ever been mine
30. and i love you, just the way you are

30 reasons are not enough because too many reasons why i love you

Tonight, I would just like a hug. THAT’S IS ALL.

They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything

Do you love hugs? Yeah I do love hugs. It can warmth your body and you can feel save in their arms. Last, it can calms you down when your mood bad.
Hugging is healthy. It helps the immune system. Cures depression. Reduces stress. And induces sleep. Its invigorating. Rejuvenating and has no unpleasant side effects. Its nothing less than a miracle drug.
Hugging is also all natural. Its organic. Naturally sweet. Has ni artificial ingredients. Environmentally friendly. And is 100% wholesome.
Hugging is an ideal gift. Great for any occasion. Fun to give and receive. Come with its own wrapping paper. And of course, its fully returnable.
Hugging also:
• Eases tension.
• Fights insomnia.
• Keeps arm and shoulder muscles in condition.
• Provides stretching exersice if you are shorts.
• Provides stooping exersice if you are talls.
• Offers a wholesome alternative to promiscuity
• Offers a healthy, safe alternative to alcohol and other drugs abuse (better hugs than drugs!)
• Affirms physical being
• Is democratic: anyone is eligible for a hug

And… hugging from your back is just sweet >.<


hahaha I think every holiday is a must online day... yeah ! not just me, but I'm sure that you all are. haha hm..... If we're in front of the comp, we must be chatting, searching, or watching on youtube.... yea the fact is It's not important maybe but we love that somuch.. right ? sooo ??????????? no one can stop us for type and look to the computer!! hahahahhahaa


Senin, 15 November 2010

like it yummy :9

i think this is a delicious snacks and etc..................... :'D





#palingsebelkalodi - - ->

Heyyyyaaa readers! long time no post ya.


1. kacangin
SAKITIN waaaw emg gaenak bgt ya huhu
di mainin huhu lo kira gue mainan,sucks.
di isengin haha ya inisih biasa tp kalo BERLEIHAN kesel juga kali ya.
di banding2in yappsss lo tau ini sgtlah ngeselin!!!
ohiyaaaa di BOHONGIN wanjerrr benci setengah urip gue kali di giniin.
8. di kucilin juga gaenak ya..............................
di beri harapan palsu????siapa yg mau??gada.

10. di larang2 haha tp di larang nya ya yg gpntng gtdeh haha
di lupaiinnnnn..........wkowkwko malu bgttt yaa kalo di gituin uuu
12. ga di ajak sama temen sendiri jalan wkw agak gmn gt
13. di paksa gitu kan gaenak yaaa jd jgn suka MAKSA plsss
14. di deketin sama 4LaY trs menerus juga risih kali ya haha

15. di nyolotin?behh gaenak bgttt nyeti itumah -_-

beaucoup d'amour

It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces
hei gue gak tau kenapa gue masih sayang bgt sama lo,even sejak gue udah punya cowok lagi.
lo gak pernah tau perasaan gue

Loving you was my favorite mistake

aku juga gak tau sampe kapan aku bakal terus mencintai kamu

In my dreams you're mine forever
just in my dreams

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met
 Cry as I may these tears won’t wash you away

Post this Lyric

Heyya all ! ga tau ga ada kerjaan, gue cuma mau posting lirik aja, ini lagu bikin ngantuk, dan gue pengen bisa mainin pake pianoo !!!!!!!! tapi susah nyarinya, huhu

Lullaby for a Stormy Night - Vienna Teng

little child, be not afraid
though rain pounds harshly against the glass
like an unwanted stranger, there is no danger
I am here tonight
little child, be not afraid
though thunder explodes and lightning flash
illuminates your tear-stained face
I am here tonight
and someday you'll know
that nature is so
the same rain that draws you near me
falls on rivers and land
on forests and sand
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning
little child, be not afraid
though storm clouds mask your beloved moon
and its candlelight beams, still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight
little child, be not afraid
though wind makes creatures of our trees
and their branches to hands, they're not real, understand
and I am here tonight
and someday you'll know
that nature is so
the same rain that draws you near me
falls on rivers and land
on forests and sand
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning
for you know, once even I was a
little child, and I was afraid
but a gentle someone always came
to dry all my tears, trade sweet sleep for fears
and to give a kiss goodnight
well now I am grown
and these years have shown
that rain's a part of how life goes
but it's dark and it's late
so I'll hold you and wait
'til your frightened eyes do close
and I hope that you'll know...
that nature is so
the same rain that draws you near me
falls on rivers and land
on forests and sand
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning
everything's fine in the morning
the rain'll be gone in the morning
but I'll still be here in the morning


HI ngepost lagi yak-_--- bosen wkwkw tapi kali ini gue cuma mau ngepoost foto-__-- maaf ya kl agak gapenting

tadi gue nge search "doraemon" trus tiba2 ada gambar ini lucu ya ,kayaknya itu kucing asli deh^^

kalau pernah nonton monster inc pasti inget sama gadis lucu kecil ini^^ pengen deh punya adek atau anak kayak dia wkwkw #abaikan

lucu kan? u.u mukanya imut bgt kayak gue pas kecil ,tampangnya disini agak gak nyante wkwk

senyumnya u.u bikin pingsan wkwk

barbie oke rata2 cewek pasti suka sm barbie *waktu kecil ya* kecuali kl anak kecil itu emg punya masa kecil kurang bahagia wkwkw dan gue termasuk org yg lumayan suka sm barbie #ups oh ya gue juga udh nonton hampir semua serial barbie yg terkenal wkwkw

iseng yaaaaa-_-

oh iya pas kecil juga rata2 suka boneka pastinya-_-- tapi gue udh agak bosen dgn boneka krn rumah gue bnyk boneka

gapenting-__- wkwwk

cool? yes of course

Maaf aja ya kl agak gapenting wkwkw-_---- lagian bosen gue wkwk dan pengen bnyakin posting krn sepertinya sebentar lg gue akan beralih ke tumblr-_-- tapi gatau juga deh wkwkw

I (don't) Love the way you Lie

And I knew the cost,and I'll have no remorse.And just like before, I'll move on. Cause it takes a while to stop waiting up,to get over the need. Your loss, wasting time with you. But I'll take a life for you,to spend my life with you.And in the end, you always leave..You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe. It was my mistake,to let in the pouring rain.The window never seems to close,I never seem to get away.And now you're gone,It feels so wrong. Just like before, I'll move on.

I knew I would let you down.Between your confidence, How much do i trust you now?Well everyone else here sees,your eyes, they can't perceive me.I hate the sound of your voice, Cause it still haunts me like a ghost.But I know that I'm to blame,cause I've never been anyone else. And I'm not numb cause I'm like your way,cause I know I'll never change. And these nights fade together,And end our road,In your own,alone.. as much as i love you , i hate you


Heyheyeyeye ♥ duh masa kemaren gue udah ngepost panjang panjang eh taaaaai tiba tiba kepencet apa gitu sama gue ehmalah keulang fufu~ gapapadeh udah hem ck

Now ! i want to tell you about people i love wihihihi : )

di dunia aseeek haha apasih gua baru bilang gitu udah asekasek aja ahha geblek -_- okeoke orang yang pertama yg paaaaaaaliiiiiing akuuuuu cintaaai adalaaah yaaapss siapalagi yaitu ----> yes my mom ! wihihihi mom,i just can THANKYOU and SORRY thankyou for bring me into the world mom,without you i can't present in here hihi and sorry for if i was always annoyed and do not want to think huhu~ i'm sorry mom(i love you mom muaahh♥)okeoke lanjuut yey yang kedua yayaya siapalagi kalo bukan bapak saya tercinta wkwkw i loveee my dad more than anything wikiwikik next-->my lovely sister,walaupun sering bangeeeet yang namanya berantem ya kita tetep kakak ade kan hahay walaupun elu  sering banget ngeselin huh ! haha canda~ and theeeeen my beloved friend,my bestfriend,my best,and my beauty girl and lalalala ahha yang pertama ARINTA  saaah ini dia temen gue yang paling baaaaaik sedunia teman kecil yuuuhu si cantik,si tinggi,si suara bagus,dan si jago pelajaran wuhuhu keren kan haha lalu PUTRI si byuti priti grel ini hahah pinter loccchh hahay yega put?haha cantik,suka lucu anaknye hahaha rambut nyaaa woooow kaya waterfall waka lebay haha tapi emang loh bagus,baik,daan sedikit pelit huhu payah lo da lanjut AMEL si gila iniii beeeh kerjaan nya ngelawak dan mau di suruh ngapain aja yg berbau gatau maul wakaka yakan mel?hahaha canda si ini manis looowwhh wukukuk dia punya dua lesung pipi yang sangat dalam waw taaapi kadang2 suka nyebelin yu no mel ahahah nnnnn PURNAMA dia classmate gue nih manis,putih,cantik,kalo ketawa sama aja kaya gua nyeh -_- ga berenti2 tapi nih anak ye beh suka bolot booo di kelas ckck dia banyak yg suka looochh huaha asikan jd purnama haha eh gajuga sih ahhay,ada lagi nih yang namanya GHINA teman saya yang satu ini laaaarisss manisss euuy ilang satu dateng 1000 bukaka nggadeng lebay hahahhahaha dia itu mukanya suka nyolot men wakak nyolot2 tetep cuantekss men hahah kalo ketawa kaya orang di siksa jahaha atinceatince ck anaknya imutimut minta di benyek waka canda na,oke that's my beeeest girl at school and anywhere their attention and loyal friend hihi love you guysi hope we can be friends until whenever ;p
oke last my boyfriend ANDI  he's sooooo attention to me he's veryvery loving people hehe but i don't know the truth,now i still believe him ahay the rest i can not tell you here about him haha sorry and i can just say for him hehey thankyooou ndiwas going to be my boyfriend,love you muah.

YES FINISH ! yeah they're the people i love in this world LOVE YOU ♥ ♥ ♥

Thankyouu guys already decorated my life wihihi ;pi


thought you are not here, wherever i go or whatever i do.
i see your face in my mind and i miss you.
i miss telling you everything, i miss showing you things, i miss your eyes.
secretly giving each other confidence.
i miss your touch, i miss our excitement together.
i miss everything we share, i dont like missing you!

it is a very cold and lonely feeling.
i wish that i could be with you right now, where the warmth of our love.
would melt the winter snows but since i cant be with you rigth now.
i will have to be content just dreaming
about when we'll be to together again ;D

Selasa, 09 November 2010


How happy are you now? How is it compared with yesterday?
With last week? With last month? Comparing happiness, even of the same person at different times. Why? Because our experiences change our view of happiness.
Many experiences can we learn from anything.
And knowing! we can be something more than I was yesterday. I know I can be anything I want to be as long as I focus on that goal.